About Janica’s Photographic Style
“Black Hands with Doll” J. Paul Getty Museum 2020 “Unseen: 35 Years of Collecting Photographs” at the J. Paul Getty Museum
“….Clearly a major transformation has taken place from the lucid, boldly placed imagery of Black Hands with Doll, to the Chicken
Series—-and not only in our own perception. It is a change which reflects the artist’s own maturation, an acceptance of the
transience and the provisional quality of visual (and emotional)experience. If anything, the photographs of the chickens, with
all their radically uncontrolled sense of composition, their oddly combined wildness and clumsiness and power —-are exactly
what one wants them to be…Yoder’s several unusually diverse kinds of work are united by a temperamental curiosity about
what the camera will do with any subject………..”
from The Chicken Series